Work Themes

How We Work

Centric Lab collaborates with partners in the ecosystem to identify key health justice areas that merit attention of science. Over a 5 year period we investigate the aetiology of the disease/disorder, understand its roots, how it is embedded into systems, and develop healing pathways with community workers and organisers.

What Our Role Is

Our role is to support the health justice ecosystem by adding a layer of science to advocacy. We produce a broad spectrum of accessible research and identify partners to help scale the work out.

  • Diseases & Structural Violence

    Non-Communicable Diseases are not a question of happenstance, “bad luck”, or due to a group's genetic make-up. They are highly linked to exposure to pollution, contaminants, and marginalisation. Our work explores how structural violence through inadequate healthcare, social care, and legal systems act as pathways to disease development.

  • Cities & Systems

    As cities become primary sources of economic opportunity/dependence, more and more people congregate within them. This increases important population impacting factors such as density and scarcity, whilst also decreasing factors such as accessibility and autonomy. Cities bring hope to many but also challenges. We explore how the urban geography of cities and the systems that govern them become pathways towards (ill)health.

  • Data for Health Justice

    Data is a powerful tool for justice and language for accountability. However, it can easily be manipulated and used to entrench inequities. This area of work explores how data intentionally used for health justice considers the human, societal factors.

  • Indigenous Health

    Indigenous, Land-Kinned, and subaltern Peoples continue to experience Imperialism through land grabs, ecocide, and exclusion. This results in health inequities from homelands to the urban communities they can be forced into.

  • Climate & Nature

    The abuse of Nature and natural systems is leading to changes in global climates. This is putting pressure on existing systems we rely on for food, housing, and clean air. We explore how this dynamic influences population health.

Partner With Us

We work ecosystemically. We recognise that the pathway to the abolition of systems that create health injustices cannot be done alone. We always welcome approaches for partnerships with like-minded organisations to help drive our collective missions forward.

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