Body/Land & Climate Change
Contamination is at the root of an array of diseases and illnesses, it is also at the root of the decay of our habitats. Making it a significant workstream of health justice.
Our approach to Land is one of Kinship, wholeness, and oneness, we see it as Body/Land. We are not separate from the world around us, we breathe it in, we drink it, we absorb it through it, and we eat it. Therefore, if the Lands we inhabit are sick, we are sick. Additionally, if the Land is healed, we are healed. We have created multiple frameworks, scenario mappings, and case studies to create a nuanced and detailed understanding of the relationship between Body/Land.
We have also identified that climate change is caused by the contamination of habitats, which in turn creates a dysregulation of planetary systems. This dysregulation is what causes mass changes to our climate, which in turn affects our health through various pathways, including inability to access food, displacement, financial ruin, and extreme weather.
We have four goals for this workstream
Change the narrative from Nature being a resource or of service to humans to one of Kinship. The study of ecosystems makes it evident that all life on earth is interdependent and is in seamless interrelational, rather than the antagonistic or supremacy based relation currently upheld.
Create frameworks, tools and strategies that advocate for the abolition of “Right to Pollute Policies” that make it legally permissible for our planet to be contaminated.
Create infrastructure to support communities that are already advocating for the liberation of Land, Air, and Water.
Co-create health and environmental justice infrastructure with communities facing industrial pollution and the effects of climate change.
Engage with our self-directed epistemology workshop. It is for those who are ready to explore different framings that are rooted in Kinship and relationality rather than supremacy. It is the start of creating epistemic justice, which is a key to abolishing the cognitive/mental roots of “Right to Pollute” policies.
If you are already advocating against contamination of your neighbourhood, please join us at one of our drop in sessions for Air is Kin.
If your community is facing water, soil, or air contamination, please get in touch and we can guide you to the various tools we have in our ecosystem.
The term ‘climate change’ whilst now firmly established in our public lexicon still fails to be mentally accessible due to its ambiguity and its inability to capture the root causes of the activities taking place. With reference to climate change, we instead use the term planetary dysregulation; the impaired ability of planetary systems to maintain the processes required for self-regulation, particularly due to unsustainable exploitation of ecosystems and chronic exposure to industrial contamination.
This body of work is a digital library of healing practices rooted in Kinship and Solidarity from organisers, community activists and researchers. It reflects on the on-going dysregulation of our planetary systems due to supremacy structures and aims to share Ancestral healing epistemologies, so we can communally birth Imaginations for healing and liberation.
Our Research
A selection of works from this area of work.
If you want to read more, go to the Research Library.
Partner With Us
We work ecosystemically. We recognise that the pathway to the abolition of systems that create health injustices cannot be done alone. We always welcome approaches for partnerships with like-minded organisations to help drive our collective missions forward.
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