Indigenous, Land-Kinned, and Subaltern Health

Indigenous, Land-Kinned, and Subaltern Peoples are some of the most at risk communities due to Land-grabs, forced banishment from Ancestral Lands, deliberate and orchestrated social alienation, and historical racialisation. This puts them at the forefront of multiple crises that threaten their health and their life. 

  • The reason this area of work is important is threefold. Firstly, these Peoples are at the risk of genocide and multiple health crises, therefore we need to create health strategies that meet their needs. Currently, at a global scale, we do not have pathways of healing for this type of risk and loss. Secondly, many in these communities have created health justice pathways that we can all learn from and also be in solidarity with. Finally, many are forcibly banished to global cities, such as London. To date, these communities especially those with an Indigenous identity are erased from census and demographics, which in turn invisibilises their various health injustices.

    Healing justice cannot happen without being in solidarity with more-than-human Kin, which includes the Land, Air, and Water.

  • There are four main goals for this workstream

    1. End the erasure of Indigenous and Land-Kinned Peoples in urban spaces.

    2. Create pathways for health justice in global cities, such as London

    3. Support existing health justice strategies 

    Co-create liberatory work around food production, Ancestral medicine, and Land Relations to prevent banishment and increase local health.

    1. Fund our work

    2. If you are a doctor working in this area, please get in touch, we would love to hear your experience and co-create health justice strategies

    3. If you belong to one of these communities, please get in touch with your project and we can discuss collaboration and co-creation.

Indigenous Peoples are from all over the world and cover various and distinct cultures, languages, practices and knowledges. It is not a race nor is it a monolith. Colonisation has affected Indigenous Peoples in varied and unique ways, ripping some of us from Ancestral Lands, Peoples, and culture whilst others are currently fighting to keep their territories as colonisation continues to evolve.



This is a project in development with researchers and community activists based in Chiapas, Mexico. It is a collaboration of people from the UK, Europe, and Turtle Island.

Our Research

A selection of works from this area of work.

If you want to read more, go to the Research Library.

Partner With Us

We work ecosystemically. We recognise that the pathway to the abolition of systems that create health injustices cannot be done alone. We always welcome approaches for partnerships with like-minded organisations to help drive our collective missions forward.

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