The Peoples’ Obesity Justice Pamphlet
As a first step towards obesity health justice, we have created The People’s Obesity Pamphlet, a resource for the people, by the people. This is a tool for harm reduction and the promotion of autonomy for people who are experiencing obesity.
Contact us if you want printed copies for your establishment, centre, place of work
We want your feedback!
Please provide any feedback about the pamphlet here. We will use this to capture the impact of the pamphlet, as well to improve and build upon this body of work.
This pamphlet is by the people, for the people and we want to hear what you have to say.
Your feedback will help us to:
Capture the impact of the pamphlet, and see how and where it's being accessed
See how we can improve and build on this work
So that we can share our learnings, we may include your feedback in Centric reporting. Please note that by filling in this form you provide consent for your data to be used anonymously as part of our reporting. We are not collecting any personal data but for the avoidance of doubt you can review Centric Lab’s privacy policy here.